Electric Heater and Cooling Equipment - Defects Revealed
During this home inspection, the inspector discovered several defects with an electric heater, cooling equipment and components at a 27 year old home in Arlington, Texas. The inspection of the cooling equipment and electric heater revealed several defects.
Some of the defects that were discovered during this home inspection are as followed; damaged electrical wires to the service disconnected, dirty indoor coils, missing insulation on the refrigeration lines, unreported repairs to the outside condensing unit, the outside condensing unit has dirty coils and damaged fins on the coils.
This video also teaches the viewer several deferent inspection techniques that will help the viewer to discover defects that lead to the discovery of additional defects.
These short videos represent a very small portion of common defects found every day. If you like the videos or find them helpful to you, PLEASE DONT FORGET to rank and comment on them.